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Taiwanese rapper accused of attempted rape for reaching out to touch


On July 16 of this year, a wig shop saleswoman complained online that a certain celebrity had tried to rape her. In the end, it turned out that it was Zhou Li Ming, the maknae of the Taiwanese rap group Machi.

The saleswoman showed video from a surveillance camera in a wig store as evidence. Judging by them, the rapper went into the store and began to talk about something, and then suddenly tried to touch the woman, just holding out his hand. Tu, however, was so frightened that she decided to go into the back room. However, Zhou Li Ming went after her and tried to touch her again. Then she pushed him away, and at that he stopped trying to touch, but, according to her, she was so scared that she still cannot move away from it.

Zhou Li Ming confirmed this, saying that he didn’t really remember what happened that day. However, the saleswoman said that she would not take away the application already filed with the police against him. Regardless of the reason for his inappropriate behavior, it frightened her in one way or another.

From the author: the author, of course, does not approve of the violence of men against women, however, he believes that common sense should be followed here, and in this case there is no given in the reasoning of the saleswoman.

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Chinese rapper says he was required to have a clean criminal record before performing


Chinese rapper TY is no longer young, but quite famous among fans of this genre. He has songs that are considered real hits.
However, he recently reported on the social network that they demanded a certificate of non-conviction from him. This surprised many of his followers. They began to think that TY might be going to leave the music industry and take a job in some government agency.
However, the rapper quickly denied such assumptions. He said that he needed a certificate just to speak. The organizers of what event demanded this from him, the artist did not specify.

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The Husband of a Cancer-stricken Chinese Internet Star Uses Her Condition to Make Money


Internet celebrities usually seem to be those who use any means to achieve hype and, accordingly, earnings. It can be even injuring themselves. However, sometimes it happens that a real problem becomes a way of very active earnings and hype through no fault of the Internet celebrity herself. This is exactly what has happened to the 29-year-old Chinese Internet star Xiao Ming, who has thyroid cancer.

Read also: Three Unspoken Bans of the Chinese Entertainment Industry: Which Celebrities are not Recommended to Chat, Eat and Drink with

Xiao Ming became famous when she decided to make motivational videos for those who also had such a disease, so that they would not give up. Then she honestly told that she got sick because her mother-in-law had forced her to give birth to her fourth child. She had given birth to daughters three times before, and her mother-in-law needed a grandson, so although Xiao Ming complained of pain, her husband’s mother believed that she was pretending.

Science has proved that during pregnancy, the hormonal background changes, which can lead to malignant formations in the body. After giving birth, it turned out that Xiao Ming was really sick. Her husband’s family learned about the disease, and at first just kicked her out. Only one of her daughters helped her — at least by feeding her, it was very difficult for Xiao Ming to move.

As a result, Xiao Ming began recording motivational videos how to fight cancer. She also wanted to get help at least from netizens, but she didn’t insist on it too much. And then, she became an Internet celebrity.

Her husband found out about it and decided to use it to earn money. He took her to his place without Xiao Ming‘s consent, deleted her account where she posted videos, and created a new account called “Chen Xiao and his wife are fighting cancer”. Then he began to demonstrate live how he took care of his wife, and show unpleasant physical manifestations of her illness. There was also a much greater emphasis on the request to help financially.

Xiao Ming‘s fans, who remembered her story told on the old account, were outraged by the situation. They said that the husband of the celebrity with cancer was using her condition to make money. He only pretended that he loved her, and the money from compassionate users he spent on himself.

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Chinese girl group member’s boyfriend threatens to send him a video of his girlfriend’s colleague taking a bath


The relationship between artists and ordinary people is a special thing. They are often hampered by various rumors about celebrities, because of which the other half, if not self-confident, may think at least that they are not worthy. However, sometimes situations arise when it is the non-star members of the couple who behave extremely ambiguously.

This is exactly what happened to the boyfriend Zhu Liwei, a member of the girl group BEJ-48. He, as the girl herself said, threatened her to make a video of her bandmate taking a bath and send it to him.
Zhu Liwei reported that the boyfriend forced her to hide her phone in the locker room, which was connected to the bathroom, when the group had a break between rooms at a business event. Whether she broke up with him after this and how her bandmate reacted to this is not specified.

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Chinese idol threatened fans with suicide, demanded money for sedatives and claimed that Wang Yibo was jealous of him


Fans usually have a lot to forgive their idols. It happens that they find fault with trifles, but more often they defend them, finding an excuse for everything and answering their critics. However, there are some idols whose fans have such a hard time withstanding their behavior that they themselves begin to complain about them on the Web.

This is exactly what Chinese idol Ding Ze Ren, a member of the Lehua Seven NEXT group, is like. According to his fans, now, most likely, the former, he showed them several times on his personal blog a photo with an idol girl, but then showed other photos – and it turned out that the artist was cheating on his girlfriend. The fans were outraged.

Then Ding Ze Ren, realizing this, began to apologize to them and asked them to somehow help remove that photo (you couldn’t delete posts and photos on that blog on your own). Fans, although they considered the idol a cheater, still helped to remove the photo with the exposure.

However, the matter did not end there. Fans then suddenly found out that Ding Ze Ren not only cheated on the female idol, but also insulted her and almost threatened her before. This turned them against him even more.

And then suddenly Ding Ze Ren began to write that he had such a nervous breakdown that he did not want to live. To some fans, he even sent photos and videos in private messages, where he stood on the roof of the building, and wrote that he would like to jump off.


He also claimed that he knew how to recover, calm down, showing pills for this. However, the pills were allegedly very expensive, so he asked fans to help him financially. As a result, some compassionate fans began to send him money. One fan admitted that she sent him 3 million yuan.

However, fans later discovered that Ding Ze Ren did not need money at all. They unearthed that he was buying luxury items for a large amount – apparently, with the same money that was begged from fans.

However, that’s not all. Ding Ze Ren complained to his fans that everyone around him was jealous, and therefore they use their position to try to “lower” as low as possible. So, among the “envious” was Wang Yibo, who, when they participated together in the same show, allegedly danced some kind of impromptu in defiance of Ding Ze Ren. However, although Wang Yibo’s dance looked like an impromptu, it fully suited the conditions of the show, and Ding Ze Ren’s more professional and seemingly prepared dance, as it turned out later, was a plagiarism from the dance of one of the members of the Korean group NCT DREAM.

This artist also spoke out against the members of his own group. So, when the agency chose two members of Lehua Seven NEXT to participate in another show without taking Ding Ze Ren, he stated that one of the members was taken simply so as not to obscure the other. If they took Ding Ze Ren, he would easily outshine his colleague, so the agency decided to deliberately send the most “no” member of Lehua Seven NEXT with a little more charismatic, in order to show off the slightly more charismatic one well on the show.

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Rumor about Chinese Weinstein: Famous director Zhang Yimou was accused of organizing auditions for young actresses for the sake of sex


American filmmaker, producer Harvey Weinstein, “famous” due to the fact that dozens of actresses accused him of sexual harassment, and as a result he was sentenced to 23 years in prison. The rumor about the Chinese filmmaker, the famous director Zhang Yimou, has certain similarities with the Weinstein case, although so far, due to the lack of evidence, it cannot lead to such serious consequences.

Director Chen Jian recently stated on the Net that Zhang Yimou arranged auditions for young actresses solely to sleep with them. So it was with his current wife, who is 32 years younger than the 72 year old filmmaker. Zhang Yimou persuaded her to have sex at a casting when she was only 17 years old.

According to Chen Jian, he might not say anything like that, but Zhang Yimou puts too much pressure on young directors like him. He simply does not allow them to develop properly in order to maintain his high position himself.

Given the reason for which this was made, the accusations may turn out to be slander. However, as noted on the Web, given that Zhang Yimou has 4 children from other actresses (plus he has 3 children from his wife), it is quite possible that if not everything is as nightmarish as Chen Jian described, one way or another, it is clearly a stinky not exactly pleasant.

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“Don’t spend money, don’t love”: Blogger and assistant to a famous Chinese actor and comedian accused fans of being greedy


The assistant of the famous Chinese actor and comedian Guo Degang, a certain blogger Wang Nan, caused huge outrage on the Web when he started a live broadcast and accused fans of being greedy. According to him, those who do not spend money do not really love their idols.

The reason was that during the last live broadcast, fans spent too much money on him. Less than 100 thousand. Only one fan on the platform where the broadcast was held reached only level 34 gifts. But the desired level 50 and 60, which involved spending a very decent amount of money, did not work out.

Fans began to write in response that Wang Nan should be better. Not just to be an assistant to a famous actor and broadcast, but to show some outstanding talents. In response, Wang Nan was offended, saying that his talents are already visible to everyone who really wants to see them.

As a result, the fans began to advise him to calm down anyway, because the fact that he is chatting during the broadcast can be found out by Guo Degang himself. Wang Nan did not calm down, saying that his superiors would not do anything to him, since he, they say, does not insult someone specifically by calling them by their first names, but just talks abstractly about everyone. As a result, although naming a name, he began to allow himself rudeness towards some fans, while using quotes from Go Degang’s performances twisted in the manner of insults.

Because of this, there was such a fuss that it even attracted the attention of some Chinese media. When one reporter called Guo Degang’s agency, it turned out that Wang Nan had received punishment for his behavior: he had been fired for a serious violation of corporate discipline.

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Chinese singer decides to quit showbiz after revelation of simultaneous relationship with 4 girls

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Chinese singer Xiaohong, who rose to fame after appearing on the show “I Want to Sing With You” for his very clear voice, suddenly announced his retirement from showbiz. The reason was the revelations from his ex-girlfriend.

The girl stated that Xiaohong hid his real age when they were dating. He was 41 years old and said he was younger to date someone who was only 19 years old.

He also dated 3 other girls during their relationship. In other words, Xiaohong had relationships with 4 girls at the same time. However, when the whistle-blower found out about it and called him to account, he said that it was all those 3 girls were fault and that he was a victim of circumstances.

However, as the whistleblower found out, it was the singer who was actually taking advantage of the girls. When there were some problems in a relationship with one girl, or even when she was just depressed about something personal, he would look for the beauties and then force them to give his phone number and communicate with him, manipulating the fact that, with his celebrity status, he could spread rumours and cause problems to the beauties, ruining his reputation in case of refusal.

The whistleblower’s account of all this was accompanied by photos as well as screenshots of correspondence. Xiaohong has since fully admitted his guilt and wrote on his account that he was sorry to his fans and that he was leaving the industry.

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Sources: 1, 2

Tried to have sex while riding a bicycle while stopping at traffic lights: Chinese musical actor accused of sexual harassment online


Chinese musical actor Wang Letian was accused of sexually harassing a 21-year-old friend online. It was alleged that the actor tried to get sex from the victim while riding a motorcycle while stopping at traffic lights. He then gave her a lift from the party, which he forced them to join.

As stated in the post, the friend agreed to let Wang Letian give her a lift because she considered him an exemplary family man and did not think that he would start pestering her. However, when the artist touched her in different places several times while stopping at traffic lights, she decided that she would drive home herself by calling a taxi.

However, the actor didn’t want to let her go. He dragged her to a place that was a blind spot for street surveillance cameras (and there were no passers-by at that time of day), and he directly began to harass her. The woman was saved by the fact that the taxi arrived very quickly, and noticing it, Wang Letian let her go.

After the publication of the post, the musical actor said that he really gave a ride to a friend, but didn’t harass her. She took a taxi because she was too sleepy and almost fell off the bicycle while he was driving her. Perhaps she even behaved this way on purpose, as she had asked for a lift more than once before, becoming sleepy in the process. Wang Letian also noted that he would discuss the situation with a lawyer. That is, the case can go to court. It is worth noting that netizens didn’t believe the artist. Many wrote that it was more like trying to shift the blame to the woman, claiming that she allegedly deliberately pretended to be sleepy.

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Not a single kiss in the frame and not a single scandal in 20 years: The “cleanest” Chinese actress


Chinese actresses, who are embarrassed by the need to kiss in the frame, sometimes go for different tricks, like a credit card or dumplings. However, there is one among them that simply refuses the role if it involves kissing, and she has not been seen in any scandal in 20 years of work in the industry. We are talking about the actress Li Xiao Meng, who is called the “cleanest” Chinese actress for this.

When she acted at age 15 in “Who Said I Don’t Care”, she was nominated for Best Supporting Actress at the 21st Golden Rooster Awards, earning her praise and countless fans. However, in the end, over 20 years, she starred in only 11 films, including two feature films.


Li Xiao Meng does not pursue a career, believing, as Sohu notes, that one famous actor in their family is enough. The fact is that she is married to the more famous actor Wang Lei (the same Wang Lei who was born in 1982, not to be confused with the younger namesake), with whom she got along during filming and who currently has three times more film works than his wife. Also, the actress simply does not want to be kissed by anyone other than her husband. Plus, she prefers to spend more time with her family.

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Three Unspoken Bans of the Chinese Entertainment Industry: Which Celebrities are not Recommended to Chat, Eat and Drink with


In the Chinese entertainment industry, as in the entertainment industry of any other country, there are unspoken rules as well as unspoken “prohibitions”. Here are the three most interesting “bans” against Chinese celebrities, according to Sohu.

Read also: When You Don’t Need to Go Under the Surgeon’s Scalpel: 5 Chinese Stars Whose Appearance was Worsened by Plastic Surgery


The first “prohibition” is not to talk with Yu Feihong. The fact is that she is too straightforward and open, and also likes to chat. Therefore, she can even tell something personal about herself, and tell about some of her friends’ secrets involuntarily. Because of this, Yu Feihong is extremely rarely even invited to join on a talk show.


The second “prohibition” is not to eat with Gulinazha. Gulinazha regularly posts photos of high-calorie and fatty foods on her social network page, but she is very thin and even continues to lose weight. As noted, she has a very good metabolism, so if a woman sits down with her to eat, thinking about her figure, and therefore not daring to afford a cake, it will be morally very difficult.


The third “prohibition” is not to drink with Jacky Wu. The fact is that Jacky Wu is very strong in drinking alcohol. The amount that will be enough for most to reach an inadequate state, Jacky Wu will only be enough for a little relaxation. Therefore, few people agree to drink with him.

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Chinese actress’ agent tried to force her out of the industry because he thought she was “too fat”


Chinese actress Suen Huen revealed in a recent interview that she had a thyroid problem some time ago. This caused her face to swell a lot and she was not thin in general.

The actress’ agent thought she was “too fat” and said it would be better for her to leave the industry. He argued that with such a face Suen Huen can not play major roles, and in general, she will be given only the roles of those who are over 40 in the story.

Suen Huen admitted that she initially thought about it seriously, but then realized that although it’s true that she probably won’t be given major roles anymore due to external changes, it’s not a reason to leave the industry altogether. Instead, she simply stopped working with the agent.

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